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And they called it... Teacycling(and by they i mean me 😂)

My father was my first example of recycling and reusing.... He literally recycles to the point where he elicits a super strong side eyes from the rest of the fam.

He teeters between from super creative reusing (where he reminds me of the inventor from ducktales) to super basic (where we are like really daddy??)

 In my parents house dont even think about throwing away glass jar, A putty bucket, Cardboard boxes.... Umm just about anything my father will try to breathe a second or third (or fourth or fifth) life into. 

The crazy thing is that his latest adventures in reusing usually bring a sparkle to his eye and rapidly become his new "favorite thing".(Visualize the swoony look of self satisfaction when the grinch restored Christmas) 

The very habit that makes us all side eye is embedded in me also. my father (in my mind)  makes me constantly check myself about keeping things that most people throw away. Sometimes rational me wins. Other times my Dna wrestles my rational me to the ground and my rational side must take the "L" I digress, (as usual) this was supposed to be a quick post about some of the million and one ways that you can reuse tea tins... This one, is the home for my facial cotton rounds. Easy peasy, and you don't have to have the entire sleeve out at one time. Hmm this would probably also be super easy to travel with 


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